Friday, 30 September 2016


Memory is a psychosomatic phenomenon having features mental, bodily. Individuals who have experienced betrayal, physical abuse during early childhood or adulthood, like rape, tortures, necessitates inner conflicts within the domain of the conscious.

Unresolved inner conflicts may result into having serious psychological or emotional disturbance especially, painful divorce, deaths, failure and rejection.

The Christian method of dealing with memory disorder, does not involve the use of scientific investigation to detect what is stalled in the memory or to retrieve information by the use of hypnotism which may lead to mental disorientation of the sufferer. The Christian method is to help individuals involved, to work through negative experiences and it requires dealing with the five stages of forgiveness.

Sometimes, individuals who were hurt refuse to forgive or accept forgiveness. They deny their negative experiences which have crippled and paralyzed their self-worth, and may result to anger, guilt, fear, depression and anxiety. The past experiences increase their fear of the future.

Through the power of prayers, assurance of God's word they are able to take responsibility for their actions and accept forgiveness made available by the various means of the Christian helping relationship.

The pastoral helping relationship that facilitates healing of memory include: pastoral counseling, spiritual direction, prayer for healing, deliverance prayer and confession of sins.

Healing of memory does not erase negative experiences from the memory, but it helps and enables individuals to come out from their spiritual sick bay and use their hurts for their spiritual growth and development.

If you do not seek for remedy of your memory dsorder:
1. You will be hurting yourself and other people arround you.

2. You may be suffering from anger, rage, depression, resentment, failure, abandonment and fear of the future.

In conclusion, what ever your case may be, allow God to meet you where you are. No pretence, even if your inner psychological torments include all the negative psychological variables.

Unless you allow God to meet you in your psychological disorientation without pretence and be transformed by Him, you may not receive the remedy you desire.

Thanks for reading and may God meet you at the point of your needs. Amen

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